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Promoting the reform of bidding system optimizing the business environment of our city

2018-04-16 H:45:00

To further strengthen the management of project bidding bidding in our city, to curb illegal acts such as bid rigging stringing bids, to create an open, fair just market environment. The General Office of the Municipal Government recently issued the "Regarding Further Strengthening of Bidding for Housing Construction Municipal Infrastructure Projects" The “Opinions on the Implementation of Bidding Management” (hereinafter referred to as the “Opinions”) clearly clarified that differentiated supervision of the bidding market will be implemented February 1. The responsible comrade of the Municipal Urban Rural Construction Committee's bidding supervision work said: "One bid, one evaluation" post-bid evaluation systems ensure that the bidding work is "quality guaranteed" for life. Through the implementation of electronic bidding, work efficiency is improved, bidding costs are reduced. At the same time, scientific technological means are used to achieve the purpose of anti-corrosion. Among them, non-state-owned capital investment projects can be contracted by the construction unit itself.

There are 16 articles in the "Opinions", with the principle of "focusing on key points, promoting development, limiting power, ensuring fairness, facilitating people's livelihood, advocating honesty" to make top-level design for the city's housing construction municipal infrastructure projects. The first is to focus on key points reform the bidding bidding supervision methods. Effectively strengthen the supervision of state-owned investment projects, relax the management of non-state-owned investment projects, create a relaxed environment. The second is to promote development, try to implement a green channel system for bidding bidding for key projects, establish standardized procedures for prior bidding for special matters to serve economic development people's livelihood. The third is to limit power adjust the bid qualification review methods. Efforts will be made to resolve irregular behaviors such as the rejection of potential bidders by tenderers. The fourth is to maintain fairness improve perfect bid evaluation methods. Focus on implementing the randomness of bidding, enhancing standardization, preventing curbing bid rigging collusion. The fifth is to facilitate people's livelihood implement electronic bidding. Accelerate the promotion of electronic bidding bidding, realize the "dual coverage" goal of covering all bidding projects the whole process of bidding bidding. The sixth is to promote integrity, establish a post-bid evaluation system implement a dynamic management system of "one bid, one evaluation", give play to the incentive undertaking role of credit evaluation in bidding activities.

The promulgation of the "Opinions" is a concrete manifestation of the profound implementation of the State Council’s reform of “delegation of power, decentralization service”. It is also a specific measure against the “1+454” work system. It will further optimize the business environment actively promote the recruitment of Jinan City. The healthy development of the bidding market. http://www.jnzbtbxh.com/Portal/PortalJN/Article/5132



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